Tops and Bottoms is an example of a trickster tale, which as the name suggests, involves one character getting the better of the other by trickery The trickster is generally a character who is smaller or weaker including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloudBefore reading Tops and Bottoms to my second graders, I like to share Jerry Pinkney's beautifully illustrated and wordless version of The Tortoise and the HareThis gives them a sense of how selfish and boastful Hare used to be, and leads to a wonderful discussion of how his disposition has changed and improved over timeTops and Bottoms $ 350 Are you using interactive read alouds in your class?
My Favorite Read Aloud For Spring Loads Of Activities And Real Pictures Of Foods We Eat The Tops Kindergarten Activities Book Companion Spring Kindergarten